The Disappeared in Spain and Argentina

The Disappeared in Spain and Argentina.
The tour is titled “The Disappeared in Spain and Argentina. Art, Testimony and Justice” and continues this activity Çthe ESMA Museum and Site of Memory organizes for the past four years on the last Saturday of every month, now in virtual mode since the Museum is closed due to the pandemic. The Tour guides you through the echoes of testimonies frÇom victims of the Franco regime and the Argentine dictatorship in this space of memory.
The activity works with the crossroads between human rights, art and transnational justice. Particularly, it aims to show how the progress in the Argentine case in terms of restitution and historic memory have contributed to provide visibility to the violations of human rights during the Franco regime, giving a voice to the demands for justice that have been marginalized by the succesive Spanish governments.
During the visit we will show an audiovisual piece directed by Alejo Moguillansky, which sets the following materials in a dialogue:
– Fragments of the theater play El pan y la sal, read by Argentine actors and actresses directed by Rubén Szuchmacher. El pan y la sal is based on the transcripts of the trial against Baltasar Garzón in 2012, written by Raúl Quirós (member of Historic Memory and a participant of Teatro por la Identidad)
– Court testimonies of victims of state terrorism in Argentina, ESMA survivors (archive footage selected by ESMA Museum).
Live Speakers: ARTE/TESTIMONIO/JUSTICIA (40’). Vía Zoom/Facebook featuring:
Lola Berthet: Actress, Director of the Conti Cultural Center
Emilio Silva: Sociólogist, grandson of disappeared and a witness in El pan y la sal
Raul Quiros: author of El pan y la sal
Mariana Tello: Antropologist, Director of the National Memory Archives
Ana Mesutti: attorney within the Argentine prosecution against the Franco regime
Daniel Rafecas: Federal Judge, Trials for Crimes Against Humanity
María Delgado: Researcher at StagingDifficultPast, granddaughter of Spanish exile victims
This edition of the Five O’clock Tour is part of a collaboration with the research project Staging Difficult Pasts (United Kingdom) and the process of collaboration between both institutions, including the Five O’clock Tour/November 2019 “Staging Difficult Pasts”,